Perception of Purpose in Life among the Fourth-year Nursing Students

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Palida Nudla
Karnsunaphat Balthip
Pimpanit Pasri


Objective: This study aimed to describe the perception of purpose in life among the fourth-year nursing students. Methods: This study is part of a grounded theory entitled the process of enhancing purpose in life among nursing students. A grounded theory by Strauss and Corbin was used to guide this study. The participants were 24 of the fourth-year nursing students, Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University. Data were collected using general information assessment, written stories or drawing, and in-depth interviews regarding purpose in life. Analyzing general data by using frequency, percentage, and mean. Data analysis was conducted based on a grounded theory by Strauss and Corbin. Results: Four major themes were identified regarding the perception of purpose in life among the fourth-year nursing students: 1) Giving direction and making determination in one’s own life, 2) The success in life creating pride for a significant person, 3) Caring with intention to assure the safety of patients, and 4) Living to give back to society. Conclusion: Nursing institutes and stakeholders can apply knowledge related to purpose in life to develop programs for promoting purpose in life among nursing students in order to enhance harmony in life.

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How to Cite
Nudla, P., Balthip, K. ., & Pasri, P. . (2022). Perception of Purpose in Life among the Fourth-year Nursing Students. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 42(1), 1–10. retrieved from
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