Association of Online Media Use and Holistic Health Problems of School-aged Children in Thailand 4.0 Era
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Objective: To study the association of online media use and holistic health problems of school-aged children in Thailand 4.0 era. Methods: A descriptive study with a sample of parents of 122 school-aged children. A questionnaire was use for collecting demographic characteristics, online media use, and holistic and dimension health problems. The questionnaire had an Index of Item-Objective Congruence ≥ 0.60, a content validity index greater than 0.80. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient for online media use = 0.95, and in holistic health = 0.92. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Spearman' s rank correlation coefficients. Results: The results showed that the holistic health problems were moderate level, physical dimension was at a low level, the emotional, social, and intellectual dimensions were moderate level. Internet type and duration of using online media were statistical positively associated with the holistic health problem (r = .207, p < .05 and r = .251, p < .01). The type of activities and online media device had a statistically significant negatively associated with holistic health problems (r = -.190, p < .05 and r = -.204, p < .05), respectively. Using of online media was statistically associated with physical, emotional, social, and intellectual health problems (p < .05). Conclusion: Internet type, duration, activities, and devices using of online media were associated with holistic and dimension of health problems among school-age children. Health personnel should aware of these factors in order to find ways to prevent health problems among school-aged children.
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