Effects of Using Chest Vibration Innovation on the Efficacy of Secretion Drainage in Children with Pneumonia
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Objective: The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to compare effects of using chest vibration innovation on the efficacy of secretion drainage in children with pneumonia. The sample group consisted of children with pneumonia admitted to the pediatric ward. Methods: The subjects were recruited using a convenience sampling and participants group (n = 25) received chest vibration innovation as well as standard treatment for pneumonia. The control group (n = 25) received manual physical therapy and standard treatment for pneumonia. Respiratory rate, pulse rate, oxygen saturation, position of secretion sound, and secretion volume were used to evaluate the efficacy of secretion drainage. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test and Mann-Whitney U test were employed to analyze the research data. Results: The results demonstrated that the mean scores of all clinical resolution after 2 and 5 minutes in the experiment and control groups were not different (p > .05). After the experiment, the mean scores of respiratory rates, pulse rates, and position of secretion sound in both groups were decreased. While, after the experiment, the mean score of oxygen saturation in both groups were increased than before the experiment. Conclusion: The use of the chest vibration innovation did, in fact, promote secretion drainage in children with pneumonia. As a result, nurses should apply chest vibration innovation to improve efficacy of secretion drainage.
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