Meaning of Patient Safety through Esthetic Expression of Nursing Students, Prince of Songkla University
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Objective: Patient safety is the vital goal of health care delivery. This qualitative study aimed to explore the meaning of patient safety through esthetic expression (drawing) of nursing students, Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University. Methods: Key Informants were 30 third-year students, Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University. The research tools were 1) drawing guidelines and 2) semistructured interview questions to explain the connection between the picture and the definition of patient safety. The data were collected by using the drawn picture and semi-structured interviewing. Results: Data
were analyzed by using content analysis. Four meanings of patient safety through esthetic expression were emerged: 1) patient safety is the nurse’s consciousness and commitment to monitor unsafe incidence; 2) patient safety is the practice based on nursing care standard; 3) caring for patient’s safety is like the way caring for our own family and 4) patient safety occurs in collaborative practices. Conclusion: The finding of this study can provide guidance for nursing lecturers in the development of teaching and learning strategies to offer students with a wide range of patient safety experiences and cultivate patient safety values which are the basis of safety culture in nursing profession.
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