Factors Related to Behaviors for Promoting Fetal Brain Development Among Adolescent Primigravida

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Parima Suwanruangsri
Warangkana Chatchawet
Benyapa Thitimapong


Objectives: (1) to study the level of behaviors for promoting fetal brain development among adolescent primigravida, and (2) to study the factors related to behaviors for promoting fetal brain development among adolescent primigravida. Methods: The sample was primigravida pregnant women aged between 10 and 19 years who received antenatal care services in hospital under the Ministy of Public Health in Songkhla province - a total of 167 teenage pregnant women in 5 hospitals. The research tool
consists of an 8 - part questionnaire: (1) personal data, (2) behaviors for promoting fetal brain development, (3) perceived the benefits, (4) support from family members, (5) support from health team personnel, (6) knowledge, (7) stress, and (8) risk of depression. Data were analyzed by distribution of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient statistics. Results: The results showed that the overall of behaviors for promoting fetal brain development among adolescent primigravida were at a moderate level (M = 27.36, SD = 5.46). The score of behaviors for promoting fetal brain development of the audible part was at a moderate level (M = 13.83, SD = 3.29) and the score of the sensory part was at a moderate level (M = 13.53, SD = 2.82). Factors associated with behaviors for promoting fetal brain development were perceived the benefits (r = .446, p < .01), support from family members (r = .423, p < .01), support from health team personnel (r = .229, p < .01) and knowledge (r = .206, p < .05). Stress and risk of depression were not related. Conlustion: The results of this study can
be used as a database for the development of a nursing intervention to promote fetal brain development among adolescent primigravida.

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How to Cite
Suwanruangsri, P. ., Chatchawet, W. ., & Thitimapong, B. . (2022). Factors Related to Behaviors for Promoting Fetal Brain Development Among Adolescent Primigravida. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 42(1), 23–34. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nur-psu/article/view/254782
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