Effect of Instructional Video for Mental Status Examination Collaborate with Case-Based Learning on Knowledge, Self-efficacy, and Satisfaction in Psychiatric Practice among Undergraduate Nursing Students
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Objectives: 1) To explore the effectiveness of instructional video for mental status examination (MSE-VDO) 2) to compare the knowledge and self-efficacy for mental status examination of patients among undergraduate nursing students who applied MSE-VDO with case-based learning (CBL) as compared to those who were in traditional learning without applying the MSE-VDO in clinic 3) to assess nursing students’ level of satisfaction with the MSE-VDO. Methods: In this quasi-experimental (Two-group pretestposttest control group design), third-year nursing students who were attending a psychiatric and mental health nursing practicum course were divided either into an experimental group (n = 30) or a control group (n = 23). The experimental group attended the MSE-VDO with CBL via the FACEBOOK while the control group received only traditional teaching. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, and Mann-Whitney U test. Results: 1) the efficacy of MSE-VDO was 78.5/81.3 which was
higher than the criterion of 75/75; 2) the Median score of knowledge and self-efficacy in the experimental group were significantly higher after than before learning (Z = -2.47, p < .01; and Z = -4.42, p < .01); 3) there were statistically significant higher knowledge and self-efficacy scores in the experimental group than the control group (U = 201, p < .01; and U = 236, p < .05); and 4) nursing students’ satisfaction using the MSE-VDO within the three parts (content, form/presentation, benefits) was at a high level (Mean (SD) = 3.99(6.67); 4.03(0.74); and 3.93(0.70). Conclusion: This MSE-VDO collaboration with case-based learning can be used as a model to increase students’ knowledge and self-efficacy in the mental status examination. Further studies with repeated measure designs and a bigger sample size are suggested.
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