Relationship between Post-Concussion Symptoms, Cognitive Function and Quality of Return to Work of People with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
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Objectives: This research aimed to evaluate the quality of return to work and to examine the relationships between post-concussion symptoms, cognitive function, and the quality of return to work of people with mild traumatic brain injury. Methods: Purposive sampling was used to select a sample of 123 patients with mild traumatic brain injury from a tertiary hospital of the southern region. Data were collected using questionnaire comprising 4 parts: 1) personal data form, 2) the Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire, 3) the Mini Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and 4) the Work Quality Questionnaire. The
2nd to 4th questionnaires yielded content validity indices for scale (S-CVI) of 1.00. Test and retest method and intraclass correlation coefficient were used to examine those questionnaires’ reliabilities, yielding values of .95, .80, 1, respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Biserial correlation coefficient. Results: 69.10% of participants had a quality of return to work. Post-concussion symptoms had a negative correlation with the quality of return to work (rbi = -.40, p < .001), whereas cognitive function had statistically significant positive correlation with the quality of return to work after injury (rbi = .33, p < .001). Conclusion: In order to maintain the quality of return to work in people with mild traumatic brain injury, healthcare professionals should educate them in terms of post-concussion symptoms management and cognitive function promotion before they discharge from the hospitals.
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