The development of health behavior modification model to decrease overweight among students in primary school, Laem Sing district, Chanthaburi province


  • Narumon Bumrungsuan Phliu Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital, Laem Sing district, Chanthaburi province
  • Yupin Cherdchon Ko proet Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital, Laem Sing district, Chanthaburi province
  • Pairoat Charoennam Khlong Nam Khem Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital, Laem Sing district, Chanthaburi province


Health Behavior Modification, Overweight, Primary School Student


The overweight in student group, Laem Sing district was over 10% in 2018-2020. This action research was essentials for development model of changing health behavior. The objective were study the overweight situation of the student in primary school 4-6 in Laem Sing district, Chanthaburi province, and develop health behavioral modification model and evaluate health the model. Population were purposive the primary schools student 4-6 who overweight, 43 cases from 5 schools to participate the model development and implementation. The model evaluation by using the questionnaires about health behavior, consumption, and activities, and the interview guide for in-dept interview the parents. The Thematic analysis was used for qualitative data and percentage, mean, and pairs t-test was used for quantitative data.

The results were found the obesity 12.20% and overweight 5.28%. The consumption behaviors were fired food, sweet taste, crispy snack, nectar, eat a lot especially for dinner, less of vegetable and activities. Program health behavior “5 steps of body change model In adolescent” was consist of 5 goals; the adolescent should be assess the health status and impact from overweight, appropriate skills of food consumption, activities, and behavior modification, and motivate to behavior change sustainability. After 3 months of implementation were found slim 2.70%, buxom 10.81%, obesity 62.16%, and overweight 24.32%, whereas before implementation were found buxom 6.98%, obesity 62.16%, and over weight 32.56%. The average score of food consumption behavior, activities, and height were significantly different (P<0.05) while the weight was not different. It was found the slimmer and decrease of obesity and overweight.


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How to Cite

Bumrungsuan, N. ., Cherdchon, Y. ., & Charoennam, P. . (2024). The development of health behavior modification model to decrease overweight among students in primary school, Laem Sing district, Chanthaburi province. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 10th Journal, 22(1), 46–61. retrieved from



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