Development of Self-care promotion program for elder with uncontrolled hypertension at Nongchim sub-district, Laem Sing district, Chanthaburi province


  • Phenphak Suksing Laem Sing District Health Office, Chanthaburi
  • Nattaya Boonyakoson BanemuiSub-district Health Promoting Hospital, Laem Sing district, Chanthaburi province
  • Siriyakron Phollabuth NongchimSub-district Health Promoting Hospital, Laem Sing district, Chanthaburi province


Self-care promotion, elder, uncontrolled hypertension


Almost of the elder hypertension patient in Nongchim Sub-district, Leamsing district, Chanthaburi province were uncontrolled hypertension. This action research was aimed to develop Self-care promotion program for elder with uncontrolled hypertension at Nongchim sub-district, Leam sing district, Chanthaburi province, and to evaluate the program were including of 1) elderly with uncontrolled hypertension 94 cases and inclusion 22 cases to participate in the program development 2) related group that take care of the patient ,Public Health Officer and village health volunteer evaluate the program with questionnaire surveying people’s opinions consisting of eating habits, activities, smoking, alcohol drinking and stress test questionnaire. Analyze qualitative data using Thematic analysis, Quantitative data using statistics and percentage Pair t-test, and Wilcoxon Signed Rank test.

The results showed that the development of self-care behavior to control hypertension together with village health volunteer consisting of 3 main activities are: self-perception, setting goals and understanding the practicing. Participation and monitoring behavioral change, observation, and evaluating the outcomes and behavioral reflection. It takes 4 months to complete. The results showed the average of target groups have health behavior consisting of eating behavior, exercising, smoking, alcohol drinking were higher than before implementation of the program significantly (p< 0.05), whereas BMI was not significantly. The average score of systolic/diastolic and stress were lower than before implementation the program significantly (p< 0.05)

This program can applied for elder with uncontrolled hypertension in order to promote self-care as well as other elder hypertension groups and others areas.


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How to Cite

Suksing, P. ., Boonyakoson, N. ., & Phollabuth, S. . (2024). Development of Self-care promotion program for elder with uncontrolled hypertension at Nongchim sub-district, Laem Sing district, Chanthaburi province. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 10th Journal, 22(1), 9–20. retrieved from



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