Phlebitis: Silent Danger Prevented by Nursing Care

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Maturada Bunjongkarn
Nutchanat Prakas
Jarinya Kaewsakulthong


          Phlebitis affects the comfort of patients, the length of stay and the cost of treatment. Nurses are as an important key for preventing and assessing for the presence of phlebitis among patients with peripheral venous cannulation. This article aims to present the importance and prevention guidelines on phlebitis. The context of the article includes risk factors and the incidence of phlebitis which comprises main approaches to nursing roles in preventing phlebitis as follows: having knowledge enhancement, having awareness and factual observation, selecting appropriate catheters, location and peripheral vein, using aseptic technique at all times, remaining closed safety peripheral intravenous catheters, determining the duration of retained catheters, having routine and frequent assessment of IV, utilizing best practice and continuing research studies. This is an enhancement of nursing quality and patients’ quality of life.

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