Ossifying Fibroma Resection and Reconstruction with Iliac Crest Bone Graft in the Mandible: A Case Report

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Pornwit Prapa-anantachai


          Ossifying fibromas are benign tumors classified as fibro-osseous lesions. They are most commonly found in patients aged 20-40 years, with a predilection for the female population and for the mandibular premolar-molar area. Typically, patients are asymptomatic. Radiographic features can be seen as radiolucent or radiopaque depending on the staging of the tumor. Histologically, fibrous connective tissue is found with woven bone and cementum-like structures. Differential diagnosis requires clinical features combined with radiographic and histopathological features. This article reported on a case study involving a 63-year-old male patient with a large ossifying fibroma of the mandible. The patient was treated by segmental mandibulectomy and reconstruction with iliac crest bone graft and titanium reconstruction plate and screws. During follow-up 15 months later, normal bone healing was revealed with no recurrence observed.

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Case Report


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