A green hospital model.

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Panun Kanokwongnuwat


The purposes of this study were to develop a green hospital model,and evaluate the performance of the green hospital model.The technique used in this research was Participatory Action Research (PAR) according to the action research spiral of Kemmis
and McTaggart (1990) and Zuber-Skerritt (1992). The research processes were preparation 8 steps; 1) organization structure 2) evaluate energy management matrix 3) setting energy conservation policies 4) self assessment team works 5) setting energy conservation goals 6) activities planning 7) implementing 8) monitoring and evaluating.The key persons,representative from every department , working on basis we can do with joint evaluation.

The strategies to develop a green hospital model was composed of 1) create a team to the participation 2) people ware; give knowledge, awareness in mind and behavior modification for reducing energy use 3) system ware; management of energy efficiency 4) hard ware ;deploying energy-saving equipment 5) internal energy audit.The model of green hospital proved to be highly effective according to personnel behavior changes in reducing energy cooperation, the specific energy consumptionindex 110.82 megajoule/inpatien-day , reduce power consumption 1,701,874.47 kWh/ year, 2007-2009, to be community learning center and study visits 12 times a year.Critical successes factors were integrated with creative energy conservation and environmental sustainability to 5 S work to everyone’s job. Thailand Energy Awards 2010; outstanding building and team awards.

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