Comparison of Leukocyte poor packed red cells for quality control of blood components prepared by Opti-system and inverted spin method.

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Thawanchut Leelanuntawong


Objective : To evaluate and compare the quality control of leukocyte poor packed red
cells prepared by Opti-system and Inverted spin method.

Materials/Method : Leukocyte poor packed red cells (LPRCs) were prepared using 81
Optipac®(Baxter Healthcare Ltd, Mexico) blood bags for Opti-system method and 81 triple blood pack unit (Baxter Healthcare Coporation,USA) for Inverted spin method. An evaluation of LPRCs in terms of their characteristic was done using the counter LH 750 analyzer, and the quality control of blood components was compared.

Results : Opti-system showed a statistically signifi cant higher residual leukocyte and platelet content in the LPRCs bag compared to Inverted spin method (0.56±0.23 x 109 : 0.49±0.17 x 109 p = 0.043 and 3.48±1.43 x 109:2.97±1.03 x 109 p = 0.01, respectively). The LPRCs prepared from Opti-system showed a statistically lower white blood cells removal and platelets removal compared to Inverted spin method (81.63±7.41% : 85.57±5.37% p < 0.001 and 96.89±1.44 % : 97.37±1.04% p = 0.015 respectively). In the recovery of red blood cells, these was a lower red blood cells loss from the LPRCs bag prepared from Opti-system than Inverted spin method (80.24±4.65% and 78.20±4.91% respectively, p = 0.007).

Conclusion : Opti-system demonstrated an improvement in red blood cells recovery and Inverted spin method improved in white blood cells and platelets removal in LPRCs bag. However, the quality control of LPRCs from both Opti-system and Inverted spin method were of the same standard.

Key Word : Leukocyte poor packed red cells/ Opti-system method/ Inverted spin method

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