Ameloblastoma in children

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Suthasinee Vuttijiruttitikan


Ameloblastoma is the most common clinically significant odontogenic tumor of the jaws.Its relative frequency equals the combined frequency of all other odontogenic tumors, excluding odontomas. Ameloblastomas are tumors of odontogenic epithelial in origin. Ameloblastomas are slow-growing, locally invasive tumors that run a benign course in most cases. The tumor shows an approximately equal prevalence in the third to fourth decades of life. There is no significant gender predilection. Ameloblastoma has high incidence in 30-40 years old and high recurrence rate. But ameloblastoma in children whose age are under 19 years old are rare.
Most found in mandible and radiographic appearance were unilocular radiolucency. Conservative treatments are acceptable in the inital treatment of ameloblastoma in children and recurrence rate was quite low.

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