A model development of the outsourcing of cleaning in Prapokklao Hospital.

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Panun Kanokwongnuwat


Objective : The purposes of this study were to identify cleaning outsourcing problems, develop a model for outsourcing in the hospital, and evaluate its effectiveness.

Methods : This study was conducted through participatory action research (PAR) according to the action research spiral of Kemmis and McTaggart, (1990) and Zuber-Skerritt (1992). The data were collected and analyzed, and a model developed by the participatory action research.

Results : The most important outsourcing problem is monitor and evaluation. The desired model for outsourcing in the hospital was composed of 3 steps: 1)Plan, process of outsourcing analysis, costs and benefits analysis,method of selecting among the tenders offered, qualifications of outsourcers.
2) Act, monitoring and evaluating between doing, requirement for good training of human skills, use of appropriate equipment.
3) Observe and Reflect, monitoring and evaluating the inputs, processes, outputs and results of outsourcing. The hospital outsourcing model proved to be highly effective according to the criteria of better cleaning, greater customer and provider satisfaction, and lower costs. Critical successes factors were important policy, established for outsourcing and relationship management with outsourcing partner.

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Literature review