Internal tooth bleaching with partial pulp canal calcification.

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Uraiporn Pattanasoponpisut


Hemorrhage of the pulp is the most common cause of discoloration after trauma or after root canal treatment, future more necrotic of pulp tissue , incomplete removed during endodontic treatment ,the remaining tissue can lead to discoloration. Irrigants, root-canal restorative materials, and other restorative materials can also cause discoloration. Combining irrigants which contain sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine lead to brownish-red precipitates. Also calcifi cation of the pulp causes discoloration too.

Bleaching tooth after endodontic treatment that placed bleaching agent in pulpal canal call internal bleaching technique. Walking bleach technique is one of internal bleaching technique.Tooth bleaching today is based upon hydrogen peroxide as the active agent. Hydrogen peroxide may be applied directly, or produced in a chemical reaction from sodium perborate or carbamide peroxide.

Internal bleaching technique in endodontic treatment teeth especially in traumatic or pulp canal calcifi cation with dark or gray colored teeth give satisfi ed result.However the success in result of color changed is not the indication for long term success but follow up cases with clinical examination, periodontal checked and radiographic recalled at least every 1 year should be done for protection of cervical root resorption.

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