Odontogenic keratocyst of the maxilla : A case report.

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Varin Phothikit


Odontogenic keratocyst is an odontogenic cyst. The incidence is approximately 5.7-17.4 percent of all odontogenic cyst and found in males more than in females, age rang from 10 to 60 year-old. It occure in mandibular more than maxilla and differs from the other cyst by aggressive behavior and highly recurrence rate. A case report of Odontogenic keratocyst of maxilla in 65 year-old Thai man presented with swelling at right paranasal area and bad smell in oral cavity for 8 years. The patient was treated by enucleation with curettage and Carnoy's solution. There was no recurrence after for 12 months follow up.

Key words : odotogenic keratocyst, maxilla

Article Details

Case Report