Spinal epidural abscess : The importance of early treatment 3 cases report.

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Prapan Chonyuen


Objective : The objective of this study is to emphasize correct diagnosis and importance of early treatment of spinal epidural abscess.

Methods : Reviewed literatures and previously reported cases on spinal epidural abscess.Three cases of spinal epidural abscess in Nan hospital from September 2001-December 2003 were reviewed and compared with previously published literatures.

Results : Severe back pain, fever, radicular pain and with or without neurological deficits were important clues for the diagnosis of spinal epidural abscess which is in accordance to previously reported studies. Although MRI displays the greatest diagnostic accuracy, myelogram and CT myelogram also reveal abnormalities in all cases. Early management of spinal epidural abscess relates to the better neurological recovery.

Conclusion : Early diagnosis and prompt surgical drainage with appropriate intravenous antimicrobial therapy results better chances of neurological recovery and hence excellent prognosis in the patient with epidural abscess.

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Case Report