Histopathology of endometrial curettings from women with abnormal uterine bleeding : 5 years retrospective study in Prapokklao Hospital.

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Boonyaporn Puntitpong


Objectives : To study the histopathologyo f the endometrialc urettings in women with abnormalu terineb leedinga nd their epidemiologicaclh aracteristics.

Materials and methods : Retrospective descriptive study at the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Prapokklao Hospital. The medical records of patients with abnormal uterine bleedingf rom April 1997t o March2 002w ere analyzed. Descriptives tatisticw as used.

Results : Endometrial curettings from 310 patients presenting with abnormal uterine bleeding were studied.Normal endomet r iumw as fo und 34.19 percent .Endometrial hyperplasia was found 28.07 percent.Cystic hyperplasia was found 83.19 percent of all endometrial hyperplasia and the prevalence increased with statistic significance in older age group. Atrophic endometrium and endometrial carcinoma were found 12.9o percent and 0.97 percent respectively.Endometrial carcinoma was not found in age group under 35, more than half of patients in this age group had normal endometrium. In age group 35 -49,normal endometrium was found about one - third and another nearly one - third were endometrial hyperplasia.Endometrial carcinoma was found o.92 percent.In age group 50 or more, normal endometrium was found only 15.56 percent and endometrial carcinoma was found 2.22 percent in this age group.

Conclusion : Prevalence of endometrial hyperplasia in this study was relatively high and increased with statistic significance in older age group.Especially in age grounp 50 or more,it was found as high as 40 percent of all endometrial hyperplasia.Endometrial carcinoma was found only 0.97 percent of all age grounp but increased to 2.22 percent in age grounp 50 or more.

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