The satifaction in services of nutrition and child development corner in health promoting hospital,Regional Health Promotion Center 3

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Panit Losatiankit
Panisara Meewan
Panisara Meewan


Objectives : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Nutrition and Child Development Corner (NDC) processing in health promotion hospital,which was developed by Health Promotion Center. It was Revealed that the four main activites included nutrition monitoring, health advice, health and dental examination, and vaccination.

Materials and methods : This was a descriptive study. Seventy-seven parent who came to NDC in Health Promotion Hospital at least two visits, between 1 October 2002 to 30 September 2003 were clients devided in to 2 groups. For the first group,34 parents who had used the services in well baby clinic from other Health facilltics. For the second group, parents had used services in well baby clinic from Health Promotion, Region 3 before 1 October 2002. Data were collected by a questionaire assessing parentûs satisfaction and knowledge after visiting NDC. Data were analyzed by paired t- test.

Results : 1. The first group had significantly higher scores of satisfaction in services for all four activites provided by the NDC compared to those of other health centers.
              2. The second group had significantly higher scores of satisfaction in services for all four activities provided by the NDC compared to the services provided by Health Promotion Hospital before starting NDC services.

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