Hemoperitoneum secondary to the spontaneous rupture of superficial vein of a uterine leiomyoma.

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Nittaya Pinyotrakool


Hemoperitoneum secondary to the spontaneous rupture of superficial vein of a uterine leiomyoma is extremely rare. A case report which previous diagnosed myoma uteri and was scheduled for surgery in the next two weeks. She came to the hospital due to abdominal pain and 6 hours later she became pale and hemodynamically unstable. The provisional diagnosis was hemoperitoneum and she was uderewent exploratory laparotomy. An intrawmural leiomyoma was found with actively bleeding vein on posterior surface of the uterine fundus, hemoperitoneum about 2,000 ml. She was treated with total abdominal hysterectomy with blood transfusion. The result was successful without any postoperative complication.

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Case Report