Exertional Rhabdomyolysis

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Witchaya Vechayansringkarn


A 12-yr-old boy was brought to the emergency room with complaints of pale red
urine for 2 hours before arrival. One day after excessive exercise(100 times repetitive squat
jumps),he developed severe muscle pain especially at his thighs and legs following with
presenting of pale red urine.He was unable to stand up. On physical exam, his calf muscles
were exquisitely tender. His serum creatine kinase (CK) was 205,985 U/L,creatinine (Cr)
was 2.0 mg/dl. and urinalysis indicated the presence of blood and protein. After supportive
and symptomatic treatment the muscle pain was relieved. Urine became pale yellow and
the patient had no complications. Conclusion: Exertional Rhabdomyolysis with myoglobinuria
is not common but is a potentially life-threatening syndrome. Early recognition
of rhabdomyolysis and prompt management of complications are crucial to a successful
Keywords : Exertional, Rhabdomyolysis, Myoglobinuria

Article Details

Case Report