Madelung's disease (Multiple symmetric lipomatosis) : A case report.

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Background : Madelungûs disease (Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis, MSL, Launois-Bensaude Syndrome) is a rare disorder of undetermined etiology, although most of the reported cases were alcoholics. Not so many cases were reported from the oriental countries, and this is likely to be the 2nd documented case in Thailand

Objective : To report a rare but could be a ùsight diagnosisû disorder, and to enhance the awareness of the existing ailment.

Method : A case report of fourty year-old Thai male with a specifically remarkable affectation that agrees with previous data linking male alcoholics with this disease.Pictorial illustrations of the clinical phenotypes, laboratory findings, Computerized Tomograms and Ultrasonograms are presented and discussed, together with those reported in the literatures.

Conclusion : Madelungûs disease (Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis, MSL), although to be considered as a slowly progressive disorder but also associated with a significant morbidity and mortality. Abstinence from ethanol ingestion could alleviate the affectation.

Key words : Madelungûs dieases, Multiple symmetric lipomatosis, MSL, Launois-Bensaude Syndrome

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