Performance of using Pediatric Length-Based Resuscitation Tape by Non-pediatric Medical Personnel in ED

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Chaiyaporn Yuksen


Background: Age and size-related issues in pediatric patient affect resuscitation in ED. In Thailand, lacking of specialist in ED is an important problem. Most of pediatric patient are treated by non-pediatric physicians who may have less skills and experience in pediatric care. Medical errors and delay in pediatric resuscitation are more common problems in ED than adult resuscitation.

Objective: To study how the lenght-based resuscitation tape can reduce time and errors when it is used by non-pediatric personnel to trat pediatric patient in ED.

Methods: 3 groups of participants (6th year medical students, non-pediatric residents, pediatric residents) were asked to complete 4 paper-based tests about pediatric resuscitation using both method (2 tests by conventional method and 2 tests by using Pediatric Lenght-Based Resuscitation Tape: PED card). Completion time and number of errors were recorded and compared.

Results: 87 participants were attened in this research. In 6th year medical students and non-pediatric resident, using PED card can reduce completion time and number of errors in all 4 paper-based tests compared with conventional method (P < 0.05). In pediatric residents or pediatricians, using PED card still reduce number of errors in all 4 paper-based tests compared with conventional method (P < 0.05), but completion time in both methods are not different.

Conclusions: Using PED card in pediatric resuscitation by non-pediatric medical personnel can reduce time and medical errors compared with the conventional method in ED.


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How to Cite
Yuksen C. Performance of using Pediatric Length-Based Resuscitation Tape by Non-pediatric Medical Personnel in ED. Rama Med J [Internet]. 2013 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];36(1):23-37. Available from:
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