The Roles of Stable Isotope Technique for Nutritional Studies
Nutritional assessment, Stable isotope, Nutrition, DieteticsAbstract
The stable isotope technique is one of the medical investigation that aims for differential diagnosis, as well as to monitor a patient’s condition using the radioactive substance, Nowadays, nutritional studies are using the stable isotope technique to explore the mechanism and the risk of malnutrition due to nutrient deficiency in several target groups. Thailand has had an announcement of the Royal Decree on Dietetics to be the standard for the art of healing in 2020. Therefore, registered dietitians are needed to improve themselves, especially in deep nutritional research to promote their professional impact and to support medical treatment. This review article aimed to present the basic principles of stable isotope in nutritional research. In addition, authors demonstrated published scientific evidence which applied nutritional research using stable isotopes in nutritional studies to investigate the absorption and bioavailability of nutrients such as iron and zinc and predicting the risk of malnutrition. Lastly, this article aimed to support the registered dietitian and other professionals in health care to generate research idea using stable isotopes in several nutrients and target groups.
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