Nursing for Congenital Heart Patients with Fontan Procedure: Case Study

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Phawinee Khandhiworadham


Objective: To provide anesthetist nurses with knowledge and understanding of anesthesia in congenital heart disease patients undergoing Fontan Procedure during before and after anesthesia in order to prevent and reduce the occurrence of harmful complications.  Also, increasing skill in interdepartmental teamwork.

Method: A selective case study in patients with congenital heart disease undergoing Fontan surgery who admitted in Rajavithi Hospital from October 2021 - March 2022. Data was collected from medical records, physical examination, history taking from patients and relatives. Determine the request for a nursing diagnosis, evaluation, and outcomes according to the application of the nursing theory of Orem.

Result: A 9-year-old girl who came to the hospital for a follow-up after right bidirectional Glenn shunt with leaving antegrade flow with closure pericardium at birth. Cardiac catheterization revealed severe pulmonary artery stenosis after surgery. The surgeon considered the Fontan procedure to correct stage III congenital heart defects. Anesthetist nurse and cardiothoracic anesthesiologist considered the case and provided total body anesthesia along with tracheal intubation. The operative duration was 7 hours 5 minutes, there were no complications e.g., acute pulmonary hypertension; vital signs and hemodynamic were stable with blood pressure 100/65 mmHg, heart rate 110 bpm, with controlled ventilation. These cases could be transferred to the intensive care unit for recovery and was extubated within day 1 after surgery. The patient had no complications after surgery stay in the hospital for 13 days before discharged.

Conclusion: Nursing care for patients with congenital heart disease undergoing Fontan Procedure must be applied in pre-operative stage, during operation and post-operation periods in order to prevent complications that may occur with patients




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Case Reports


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