The Effect of Progesterone for Prevention of Preterm Birth in Women with Singleton Pregnancy between 24 – 36 Weeks of Gestational Age

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Chaiyakit Udnan
Research Taksin


Introduction and Objective: The using progesterone between 24 – 36 weeks of gestation age (GA) for pregnant women with preterm birth criteria was the best way to prevent preterm birth. Present, the effect of progesterone to prevent preterm birth by comparing between the intramuscular group and vaginal group has not been studied in Thailand. This research has aims to study the effect of progesterone for prevention of preterm birth in women with singleton pregnancy between GA 24 – 36 weeks and study the effect of progesterone on the newborn. Methods: This research was quasi-experimental research. Population was single-pregnant women with preterm birth who received progesterone between GA 24 - 36 weeks by compare study between experimental group was 37 women who received the injection of 17 OHPC at 250 mg. (Intramuscular) and control group was women who received natural micronized progesterone at 200 mg. (Vaginal). Instrument was data record form. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, including Chi-square tests and Independent t-tests. The statistical significance was set at a level of less than 0.05. Results: The research found that cervical length while receiving progesterone was correlated with both progesterone (p=0.001). The effect of progesterone on delivery was found that vaginal group had higher GA mean at delivery than intramuscular group (p=0.020) by vaginal and intramuscular group had GA mean at 36.96 ± 1.97 weeks and 35.71 ± 1.87 weeks. The effect of progesterone on newborns was found that vaginal group had NICU stay lower intramuscular group (p=0.047) by vaginal group and intramuscular group had mean of NICU stay at 7.54 ± 1.04 days and 13.79 ± 1.81 days. Conclusions: However, this research demonstrated outcome of vaginal progesterone in GA at delivery and NICU stay. Therefore, obstetricians and gynecologists should give vaginal progesterone to pregnant women with preterm birth.

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How to Cite
Udnan, C., & Taksin, R. (2022). The Effect of Progesterone for Prevention of Preterm Birth in Women with Singleton Pregnancy between 24 – 36 Weeks of Gestational Age . Royal Thai Army Medical Journal, 75(4). retrieved from
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