Predicting Factors of Depression among Secondary School Students in Extended Educational Opportunity Schools

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สราวลี สุนทรวิจิตร
ภรภัทร เฮงอุดมทรัพย์
ดวงใจ วัฒนสินธุ์
ภาคิณี เดชชัยยศ



       The purpose of this predictive correlational study was to investigate the prevalence of depression and its redicting factors among 350 secondary school students studying in extended educational opportunity schools which located in Muang District, Chon Buri Province. The stratified random sampling was employed to select the sample. Instruments used for data collection included 1) Demographic Data, 2) Children’s Depression Inventory-CDI, 3) Resilience Inventory, 4) Life Asset Inventory, 5) Family Relationship Questionnaires, 6) Friendship Intimacy Questionnaire and 7) Personal Resource Questionnaire. The questionnaires part 2-7 yielded Cronbach’s Alpha of .84-.95. Descriptive statistics, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis were

employed for data analyses. 

       The study findings revealed that this sample had a mean depression score of 11.27 (SD=8.92), 27.27 percent of this sample had depression (CDI ≥ 15).  Stepwise multiple regression analysis demonstrated that life asset, family relationship, and social support together could significantly explained 21.00 % of the variance for depression (R2=.210, F=29.340, p<.001). The influence of significant predicting factors ordered from high to low were life asset (β=-.292, p<.05), family relationship (β=-.157, p<.05) and social support (β=-.112, p<.05).

       The study results demonstrated that students from extended educational opportunity schools are a high risk group for depression.  This should be a prime concern for healthcare providers and academic administrators.  Mental health services aimed at enhancing life assets, family relationships and social support should be promoted to these students.

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สุนทรวิจิตร ส, เฮงอุดมทรัพย์ ภ, วัฒนสินธุ์ ด, เดชชัยยศ ภ. Predicting Factors of Depression among Secondary School Students in Extended Educational Opportunity Schools. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2018 Sep. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];28(2):53-66. available from:


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