Effects of an Education-Based Program on Hazard Perception and Preventive Behaviors of Computer Syndrome among Working Computer Users: Public Offices in Songkhla Town’s Area
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This one group pretest and posttest quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effects of an education-based program on hazard perception and preventive behaviors of computer syndrome among working computer users. The sample consisted of 98 computer users working in Songkhla Town’s Area. A questionnaire was used to collect data to assess hazard perception and preventive behaviors regarding computer syndrome. The Cronbach alpha coefficient used to test reliability yielded a value of .85. Data were analysed using mean, standard deviation, and dependent t-test. Research results were found as follows;
1) After program completion, the sample had a significantly higher mean score of hazard perception of computer syndrome as well as the mean scores of all three aspects than before participating in the program
(= 3.26, SD=0.36 and
= 2.44, SD=.36, p<.001).
2) After program completion, the sample had a significantly higher mean score of preventive behaviors regarding computer syndrome as well as the mean scores of all three aspects than before participating in the program ( =3.20, SD=0.30) (
=2.74, SD=.52, p<.001).
Therefore, educational institutes should apply education-based program to promote hazard perception and prevention of computer syndrome among computer users in both public and private sectors.
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