Game-based Education for a Transformation of Nursing Students’ Learning Experiences: The STEM Education Project

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Penphan Pitaksongkram
Laiad Jamjan


Twenty-first century education emphasizes the development of the competence of students to be able to apply their knowledge to practice in their work and life in the context of changing society. Game Based Education (GBE) is a teaching method that brings fun so as to motivate students to continuously learn. GBE provides opportunities for teachers to promptly give reasons and suggestions after ending activities. The steps of GBE consist of designing games, planning teaching activities, implementing teaching methods, and conducting evaluation. Evaluation methods include authentic assessment and reflection since the students learn in real situations. The evaluation should assess performance, process, and products of learning. Reflection is an individual evaluation by allowing students contemplatively think about their learning situations. Reflection is an important step in transforming students’ learning. The STEM education project is an example of applying GBE as a teaching method in this article. The teacher needs to analyze the course content and desired learning outcomes in order to design games to motivate students’ learning from the project and to achieve desired learning outcomes. The GBE would be able to transform students learning experiences if appropriately de­signed.

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How to Cite
Pitaksongkram P, Jamjan L. Game-based Education for a Transformation of Nursing Students’ Learning Experiences: The STEM Education Project . NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2021 Apr. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];31(1):1-13. available from:


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