Relationship between Personal Factors, Attitude, Knowledge and English Skills of Health Professionals Working in Health Service Regions, the Thai Ministry of Public Health

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Suparpit von Bormann
Susheewa Wichaikull
Kamolrat Turner
Surasak Soonthorn
Wilaiporn Khamwong
Sudkanung Ritruechai
Benjaporn Tippayaphalapholgul


This correlational research study was aimed to investigate the relationship between personal factors, attitudes, knowledge and English skills of health professionals. The sample consisted of 198 health professionals working in 11 health service regions and attending the English skill development workshop organized by the Thai Ministry of Public Health. Research instruments for data collection included: 1) a personal factor question­naire, 2) an attitude towards English questionnaire, 3) an English test, and 4) an English skill questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Spearman’s Correllation Coefficient and Chi-square tests. Results showed a good level of attitude towards English (Mean=4.57, SD=.52), a fair level of knowledge (Mean=43.23, SD=11.43), a moderate level of English language skills in all aspects, a positive relationship between age and writing skills at p<.05 (r=.172), a positive relationship between working duration and writing skills at p<.01 (r=.203) as well as overall English skills at p<.05 (r=.147), and a negative relationship between knowledge and listening, reading, writing, and overall English skills at p<.05 (r =-.143, -.170, -.082 and -.175, respectively). The results of this study imply that a person who has high knowledge in English long vage may not always have high English skills. Therefore, English courses should not focus only on knowledge but also the chance for Thai health professionals to practice their English skills to master the demands of the international health care system in the future.

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How to Cite
von Bormann S, Wichaikull S, Turner K, Soonthorn S, Khamwong W, Ritruechai S, Tippayaphalapholgul B. Relationship between Personal Factors, Attitude, Knowledge and English Skills of Health Professionals Working in Health Service Regions, the Thai Ministry of Public Health. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2021 Apr. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];31(1):199-210. available from:


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