Factors Influencing the Executive Function in Preschool-Age Children

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Ladda Leungratanamart
Sompratthana Sudjainark
Nattha Wattanaviroj
วารุณี มีหลาย


Executive function plays an essential role in child development. It is a skill that leads to success both in study and career. The purpose of this study was to investigate the executive function of preschool children and the causal relationship between preschool children and family factors on the executive function of preschool children in Chonburi province. The sample selected through multistage random sampling consisted of 440 preschool children who attended child development centers and mothers who were their primary caregivers. The research instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire on factors affecting executive function, consisted of 3 parts: children's personal data, the parent personal data, and parenting style. The Cronbach alpha coefficient of this questionnaire was .84. The interrater reliability of the questionnaire was examined and ranged from .96 to 1.00. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis with dummy variables. The study revealed that the overall executive functions of preschool children was at a good level. (M=57.28, SD=7.34). The factors that influenced executive function were female, (b=.18), full term (b=.08), birth weight (b=.08), 6-month exclusive breastfeeding (b=.10), nighttime sleep duration (b=.30), family income per month 10,000-25,000 baht (b=.09), family income per month >25,000 baht  (b=.16), and parenting style (b=.20). All of these variables accounted for 33% of the variance in predicting the executive function. The results of this study suggest that all those involved in maternal and child health, child care providers and parents should pay more attention to promote children's executive function.

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How to Cite
Leungratanamart L, Sudjainark S, Wattanaviroj N, มีหลาย ว. Factors Influencing the Executive Function in Preschool-Age Children. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];31(3):15-27. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tnaph/article/view/255634


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