Components of Managerial Competencies of Executives to Support People Excellence Strategies of the Ministry of Public Health

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Sudkanueng Ritruechai
Pongsuwan Srisuwan


The purpose of this study was to examine the components of managerial competencies. The conceptual framework of the study included the concept of "people excellence" in the Twenty-Year National Strategic Plan for Public Health including "hard skills" and "soft skills" in the National Strategic Plan for Public Health, and the framework of the six management competencies of the civil servants. Each component consisted of two main competencies, administrative or hard skills and social-emotional or soft skills. A traditional Delphi technique was used in this future research study. Data were collected three times from 20 experts. The questionnaires used were the components of administrative skills of MOPH questionnaire developed by the researcher. The data were analyzed using content analysis, means, percentages and interquartile ranges. The study revealed that the 17 hard skills and 15 soft skills that make up administrative competence can be used to promote the competencies of leadership, vision, strategic planning in the public sector, change leadership, self-control, and coaching and teaching in relation to the people excellence policy and management competencies needed in the future. The findings of the study suggest that the 17 hard skills and 15 soft skills should be included by the Task Force on Human Resource Development in the five-year National Strategic Plan for Public Health (2022-2026) to work towards the goal of the twenty-year National Strategic Plan for Public Health.

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How to Cite
Ritruechai S, Srisuwan P. Components of Managerial Competencies of Executives to Support People Excellence Strategies of the Ministry of Public Health. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];31(3):189-201. available from:


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