The Servant Leadership Development: The Management Direction of the Nursing Organization

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Surapan Panomrit


The servant leadership is a leadership style that focusing on being a role model, paying attention to promote the team development, giving priority to moral, and fostering genuine relationships between leaders and teams in the organization. The servant leadership management makes the team happy to work and empowers the team, resulting in a successful achievement. This article aims to present a synthesis of the characteristics of servant leadership in the current situation and a direction for nurse leaders to apply servant leadership concept into their practice for a sustainable development of their organization.

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Panomrit S. The Servant Leadership Development: The Management Direction of the Nursing Organization. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];31(3):202-10. available from:


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