Effectiveness of Using Multimedia as Co-teaching on Nursing students’ Knowledge and Skills regarding the Therapeutic Relationships and Communication
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The research aimed to study an effectiveness of using multimedia to develop nurse students’ knowledge and skills regarding therapeutic relationships and therapeutic communication. It was designed as a two-group quasi-experimental research with pre-post test measurement. The 76 fourth-year nursing students were enrolled. They were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group were prepared by lecturer orientation and the multimedia self-pace learning while the control group received the usual preparation. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic, independent samples t-test and paired sample t-test. After the experiment, the experimental and control group expressed the knowledge score significantly higher than that of the pre-experiment at the p-value of .001. The communication skill of the experimental group was also found significantly higher when compare with control group at the p-value of .05. The finding shows the utilization of multimedia can increase nurse student’s knowledge and develop their practice skill.
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