Effects of Team-based Learning on Critical Thinking, Problem Solving Skills, and Attitudes Towards Learning in Second-year Nursing Students
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The objectives of this quasi-experimental research with a one-group pretest-posttest design were to investigate the effects of Team-based Learning in Psychiatric Nursing II on 1) critical thinking, problem solving skills, 2) collaboration, teamwork and leadership skills, 3) communication, information and media literacy skills, and 4) attitude towards learning. The sample consisted of 62 second-year nursing students from Suranaree University of Technology. The measures used were 1) questionnaire assessing critical thinking, problem solving skills, collaboration, teamwork and leadership skills, communication, information and media literacy skills (CVI=.93, r=.924), and 2) attitudes towards learning questionnaire (CVI = .67, r = .913). Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, paired sample t-test, and content analysis. The results showed that critical thinking and problem-solving skills significantly increased after learning (t= 2.11, p=.039). Attitudes toward learning also increased significantly after learning (t = 4.265, p=.000). The samples reported that they were impressed with team-based learning. Therefore, instructors should apply team-based learning to other subjects to improve students’ skills.
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