Debriefing: A Crucial Component in Simulation Based Learning

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Somchit Sinthuchai
Suneerat Boonsin
Bussarin Arayathanitkul


Debriefing is a crucial component of simulation based learning. It is a process that takes place after learners participate in simulations. Instructors must be experts in learning situations and conduct a structured debriefing to discuss learning outcomes. This helps learners connect theory to practice by reflecting, understanding, analyzing, and synthesizing what they thought, felt, and did during the simulations. During debriefing, instructors should listen carefully to learners, provide feedback and ask meaningful debriefing questions in an atmosphere of trust and confidence. This will promote the ability of learners to apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes gained during simulations to clinical practice. Effective debriefing enables learners to achieve important outcomes, namely critical thinking skills, clinical reasoning, and clinical decision making. This article is intended to to encourage instructors who use simulation based learning to apply the principles of debriefing to achieve student learning outcomes. This article provides a definition of debriefing, a theoretical framework, debriefing methods, debriefing evaluation and development, as well as advice on debriefing from the authors’ experiences.

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Sinthuchai S, Boonsin S, Arayathanitkul B. Debriefing: A Crucial Component in Simulation Based Learning. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2023 Apr. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 25];33(1):1-13. available from:


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