Development of a Health Literacy Model for Tuberculosis Prevention of Household Contacts Using Community Participation in the 13th Regional Health Bangkok Metropolis

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Kampong Kamnon
Pornsuk Hunnirun


Household contacts of tuberculosis (TB) patients have a higher risk of tuberculosis infection than the general population if the household contacts of tuberculosis patients have low level of health literacy about tuberculosis prevention. This research and development study aimed to develop a health literacy model for tuberculosis prevention of household contacts using community participation. The research was conducted in 3 phases. Phase 1 studied the problems and needs of the TB household contacts using a mixed methods approach. The sample consisted of 200 TB household contacts selected by a multi-stage random sampling. The participants were asked to answer a health literacy questionnaire. Moreover, 50 network stakeholders were interviewed using in-depth interviews.  Phase 2 consisted of development of the health literacy model, and phase 3 involved evaluation of the developed model. The sample included 50 TB household contacts, and data were collected using the health literacy questionnaire. The quantitative data were analyzed by repeated one-way MANOVA and qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. The results were as follows: 1) Overall, TB household contacts had health literacy at a moderate level, except for cognitive aspects which was at a low level. 2) The health literacy model consisted of 6 activities: (1) search channels, (2) knowledge to protect oneself from disease, (3) courage to think, reflect and consider, (4) overcome risks, (5) do the right thing and be safe, and (6) share experiences. 3) TB household contacts after using the model had a statistically significant higher health literacy level than before using the model at the .05 level. Therefore, a model of community participation in TB prevention of TB household contacts can be used effectively for TB prevention in TB household contacts in the community.

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How to Cite
Kamnon K, Hunnirun P. Development of a Health Literacy Model for Tuberculosis Prevention of Household Contacts Using Community Participation in the 13th Regional Health Bangkok Metropolis. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2023 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 25];33(2):11-25. available from:


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