Lesson Learned in Tertiary Health Service Systems in the Situation of Corona 2019 (Third wave Pandemic) in Bangkok Metropolitan Region

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Atiya Sarakshetrin
Thunyaporn Chuenklin
Nutthapong Wongwiwat
Atcharawadee Sriyasak
Naphas Kaeowichian
Suchada Nimwatanakul
Worawut Saengthong
Benjaporn Suthamchai
Supasit Pannarunothai


The third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic had led to a high rate of infection spreading and exacerbating the situation of the 2019 coronavirus outbreak in Thailand, with the epicenter of the outbreak located in the Bangkok metropolitan area and its surrounding provinces.  A qualitative study aimed to explore health system management during the situation of Corona 2019 (COVID-19) third wave pandemic in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Data were collected by in-depth interview and focus group discussion during week 14 to week 54 in 2021 from 123 purposively selected participants including administrative staff and multidisciplinary health care teams. Content analysis was used for data analysis. The results revealed that: 1) Service delivery: restructuring of service systems, integration of crisis management principles, management of structural aspects and development of new practices in service delivery. 2) Health workforce: reducing workload and bringing the workforce together, developing competencies of healthcare providers and skills in caring for critically ill patients, and providing rewards.  3) Information: The medical service information system, the information reporting news system, and expenditure data recording system. 4) Access to essential medicine: managing medical supplies systems and accelerating the allocation and developing innovations and technologies in health care services.5) Financing: using hospital budget, special budget, disbursement from NHSO, and donations. 6) Leadership and governance: role modelling  hard work, cooperation, establishment of a collaborative network, daring to change jobs, and changed mindsets.

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How to Cite
Sarakshetrin A, Chuenklin T, Wongwiwat N, Sriyasak A, Kaeowichian N, Nimwatanakul S, Saengthong W, Suthamchai B, Pannarunothai S. Lesson Learned in Tertiary Health Service Systems in the Situation of Corona 2019 (Third wave Pandemic) in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2023 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Jan. 25];33(3):183-98. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tnaph/article/view/266939


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