Health Literacy and Health Behaviors of Student Age 10-18 Year

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Orapin Sikaow
Suthisri Trakulsithichoke


Health literacy should start at a young age. Students with higher health literacy may have more healthy behaviors, resulting in a better quality of life. Adolescents with low health literacy are also associated with low self-assessment of their health, obesity, and inappropriate health behaviors. This research objective was to study health literacy and health behavior. The relationship between health literacy and health behavior; the relationship between certain factors (gender, grade point average, body mass index, participation in health promotion activities) and the health behaviors of students aged 10 -18 years. The participants were students in a school under the Educational Service Area Office 1, Mueang District, Pathum Thani Province. Multistage random sampling was used to obtain the selected school, classrooms, and students. The classrooms were selected according to age in 3 groups: upper primary school students aged 10 -12 years, junior high school students aged 13-15 years, and high school students aged 16-18 years, for a total of 286 students. The instrument consisted of questionnaires to assess health literacy, health behavior, and participation in health promotion activities for students aged 10-18 years, adapted from the Health Education Division Ministry of Public Health. The Cronbach coefficients of the questionnaires were.88, .70, and .75, respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Pearson Correlation and Chi-Square Statistics. The results found that the health literacy scores of the students were at a good level in all 3 sample groups, while health behaviors were at a fair level. It was also found that the health literacy of the overall students was not related to health behavior. However, the relationships among subgroups were found to show that health literacy had a low positive statistically significant relationship with health behavior (p<.05) among the students in upper-primary school and high school. The results also revealed that GPA has a statistically significant relationship with the health behavior of students (p<.05). Therefore, it can be suggested that the students should be encouraged to have good health habits and receive nutritious, clean, and safe food. The health promotion activities for students should be based on the participation of students, teachers, and parents. Future research should develop a program promoting health literacy and health behavior in various aspects.

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How to Cite
Sikaow O, Trakulsithichoke S. Health Literacy and Health Behaviors of Student Age 10-18 Year. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2024 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];34(2):72-85. available from:


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