Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Oxygen Therapy in Children on Knowledge and Skills of Nursing Students

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Chanikan Kasamrat
Sermsri Santati
จริยา วิทยศุภร


Computer-assisted  instruction  is  an  alternative  way  of  learning  management  to  prepare nurse students’ readiness for nursing practice. This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the  effects  of  computer-assisted  instruction  on  oxygen  therapy  in  children.  The  content  was developed  according  to  Bandura's  self-efficacy  theory, and  computer  lessons were created according  to  Mayer's  cognitive  theory  of  multimedia  learning.  The participants consisted  of  88 nursing  students who  met  the  inclusion  criteria  and  were  randomly  selected. These  students  were randomly  assigned  to the experimental  group  and  the  control  group of  44  students.  The experimental group  received  the  computer-assisted  instruction  program,  while  self-study  from documents  and  textbooks  was  used  in  the  control  group. Data  were  collected  by  using  a questionnaire  to  assess demographic  information,  and  tests  were  also  used  to  examine knowledge and  skills  about  oxygen  therapy  in  children. The  data  were  collected  three  times: prior to the intervention,  immediately,  and  5  weeks  after the intervention.  Descriptive  statistics,  one-way repeated measure ANOVA, the Friedman test and the Mann-Whitney U test were used to analyze the  data and  test  research  hypotheses.  The  results  indicated  that  there  were  no  differences  in knowledge  and  skills  regarding  oxygen  therapy  in  children  at  baseline between  the  two groups (p>.05). After  implementing computer-assisted  instruction,  knowledge  and  skills  scores  in  the experimental  group  were  significantly  higher  than  those  of  the  control  group  (p<.05),  both immediately and  5  weeks later.  Thus, it  can  be  concluded  that computer-assisted  instruction effectively  improves knowledge  and  skills  regarding  oxygen  therapy  in  children  among  nursing students. Therefore,  other  lessons  may  be  developed  based  on  the  concept  of computer-assisted instruction to enhance learning outcomes for the Bachelor of Nursing Science students.

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How to Cite
Kasamrat C, Santati S, วิทยศุภร จ. Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Oxygen Therapy in Children on Knowledge and Skills of Nursing Students. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2024 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];34(2):175-89. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tnaph/article/view/270898


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