Factors Related to Hopelessness of Family Caregivers of Patients with Stroke in Community
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Caring for stroke patients at home is the duty of family caregivers to care for the patient continuously every day. Caring for a stroke patient affects the physical and mental of family caregivers. This descriptive correlation research aimed to examine level of hopelessness and factors related to hopelessness in family caregivers of patients with stroke at community. The participants were 85 family caregivers of patients with stroke residing in communities by purposive sampling. Data were collected by interview between May 2023 to April 2024 and were then analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi- square test and Pearson Correlation. The results showed most family caregiver of stroke patients had a moderate level of hopelessness 58.8% and factors associated with hopelessness were stress (r=.28, p<.01) length of time caring for the patient (r=-.23, p<.05) self - esteem (r=-.27, p<.05) and social support from family (r =-.27, p<.05). The results of this study suggest that caretaker relatives should be taken care of by counseling and promoting self-worth and self-empowerment. To help prevent hopelessness that will occur in relatives who care for stroke patients in the future.
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