Developing Transformational Leaders in Primary Care: A Curriculum to Cultivate Leadership Competencies in Primary Care Units and Primary Care Networks

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Masarin Sukolpuk
Waranist Lamyai
Sujira Foongfaung
Ganittar Thanadkit


Leaders in primary care units need transformational leadership skills in order to effectively lead their organization. This research  and development  aimed to 1) develop  a transformational  leadership curriculum in primary health systems and 2) study the effectiveness of a leadership curriculum promoting leadership competencies in primary care units and networks. The study was conducted across two cohorts of the Transformational Leadership Program in Primary Health Systems. Phase 1 involved 20 participants from  the  first  cohort,  selected  through  specific  criteria. Phase  2  comprised  57  participants  from  the second cohort, selected through simple random sampling. The research tool was a course for developing transformational leadership in a developed primary health system. The tool used for data collection was a competency survey for the leaders of the primary health system that had been developed by the research team, consisting of 5 leadership competency domains: 1) self-development, 2) human development, 3)job development, 4) communication, and 5) integration of work development and communication. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics - the paired sample t-test. The overall training program was evaluated through two methods: 1) assessing the leadership competencies in 5 areas and 2) curriculum validation through an expert panel seminar. The results showed that the transformational leadership competencies in the primary health system across all 5 domains were significantly higher after training. The transformational leadership course for the primary health system proved effective and can be used for further development of leadership competencies in the primary health system.

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How to Cite
Sukolpuk M, Lamyai W, Foongfaung S, Thanadkit G. Developing Transformational Leaders in Primary Care: A Curriculum to Cultivate Leadership Competencies in Primary Care Units and Primary Care Networks. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2024 Dec. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];34(3):180-91. available from:


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