Predicting Factors of Depressive Symptoms among Community-Dwelling Older People with Diabetes Mellitus

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Arunya Namwong
Krittapat Fukfon
Bauban Yana


The purpose of this predictive correlational research study was to examine predicting factors of depressive symptoms among older people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus for at least 6 months. The participants consisted of 130 older people in a community of Tumbon Bantom, Phayao. The acceptable structure interview with seven questionnaires were used to collect data, which consisted of the Demographic Data Questionnaire, The Chula Activities of Daily Living Index, Chula Mental Test, Family Relationship Scale, Social Support Scale, Spiritual well-being Scale of Thai older Buddhists and the Thai Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (TGDS-15). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The study results revealed that cognitive function and spiritual well-being were significantly negatively correlated with depressive symptoms (r=-.26, p<.01) and (r=-.40, p<.01), respectively. In contrast, the instrumental activities daily living, family relationship and social support had no relationship with depressive symptoms. In multiple regression analysis, cognitive function (β=-.19, t=-2.38, p<.05) and spiritual well-being (β=-.37, t=-4.56, p<.01) could significantly predict depressive symptoms. These two variables could jointly explain 20.00% of the variance of depressive symptoms (R2=.20, SEE=1.45, F=15.64, p<.01). Therefore, focusing on continuous enhancement of cognitive function and spiritual well-being among older adults with diabetes mellitus may be able to reduce the incidence of depressive symptoms.

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How to Cite
Namwong A, Fukfon K, Yana B. Predicting Factors of Depressive Symptoms among Community-Dwelling Older People with Diabetes Mellitus. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2021 Apr. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];31(1):70-82. available from:


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