Inter-professional Education: The Challenging for Nursing Academy

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Thanida Pumthait
Narin Sungrugsa


The current health care situation had rapidly changed in facing with complexity in illness among people toward multiple dimensions. Recently, nursing therapeutics is typically transformed and related to the transitional situation. Health care professions emphasize and integrate interdisciplinary science of core knowledge and skills in which collaboration skills enable patient-centered care (Inter-professional Education). Inter-professional Education promotes coordinating performance, collegiality, and inclusive sharing across different kinds of professionals. Students have opportunities to augment proficiency from the classroom. Successful learning is not served by one discipline. Importantly, students will learn to earn respect the values and enhance their optimistic views for the nursing profession, and other professionals. Collaborating networks are continuously supported in this transformative era that focuses on the main goals in promoting wellness with optimal self-care. In addition, nursing academies prepare a high quality of inter-professional competent nurses in disruptive world.

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How to Cite
Pumthait, T., & Sungrugsa, N. (2022). Inter-professional Education: The Challenging for Nursing Academy. Vajira Nursing Journal, 24(1), 95–108. Retrieved from (Original work published May 31, 2022)
Review article


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