Protection Motivation Theory: The Health Care Elderly Hypertension in The Community

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Panidnun Promdum


Hypertension in elderly people tends to increase every year and it becomes the vital problem of the public health. The cause is from age and body changing. If there is no controlling the hypertension level to below 140/90 mmHg, this might result in the complications. It results from the severe diseases. Therefore, treatments for elderly people who have hypertension focus on taking medicines and behavior practices such as losing weight, food diet with low sodium, no drinking  alcohol beverages, doing body activities, eating nutritious foods ( vegetables, fruits and low-fat foods), including releasing stress. The health care ideas for hypertension for elderly people is interesting. This is because of using protection motivation theory. This theory is applied to support the knowledge perception of the severe levels of disease and perception of the risk of complications and diseases. The effective perception of the practice is to protect the diseases and complications. Moreover, self- efficacy can apply to communicate to make fear through the media.  This is to adjust the process of personal perception to motivate elderly people to take care their health in case of hypertension with the proper ways. This also aims to keep improving their quality of lives.

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How to Cite
Promdum, P. (2022). Protection Motivation Theory: The Health Care Elderly Hypertension in The Community. Vajira Nursing Journal, 24(1), 110–121. Retrieved from
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