Advanced wound care

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Kirana Seenil
Kasmee Saniloh
Janphen Meechana
Suchada Usaviroj
Sunanta Makmoon
Watcharaporn Doungpota
Apichaya Playkaew


Wounds means all injuries that cause skin breakdown. Or other lining of the body, including injuries that occur to the tissues below the skin or these lining there are many types of wounds. Such as abrasions, wounds, burns, scalds Traumatic injury cuts or had previously had surgery Wounds from chronic diseases, etc. Once they cause physical, mental, emotional, social and economic effects, some wounds can heal themselves. But some types require wound healing. Wound care is considered a part of practice. And can be found in every hospital Whether in the emergency room Outpatient examination room, inpatient ward, etc. Or even at the patient's home The main goal of wound healing is to heal the wound. And the fastest Currently, there are many types of wound care materials. Have different properties Makes it possible to care for a wide range of wounds for patients But it is often expensive. The use of wound care materials is considered an advanced wound care. Is one of the role nurses in osteomy and cannot control excretion That requires the selection of materials for wound care that is appropriate for the patient including causing cost effectiveness. Therefore it is necessary to have knowledge and understanding in the selection of various types of wound dressing equipment and to know the advantages and disadvantages of that material. To reduce the duration of the wound and value for money Resulting in the most effective wound healing.

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How to Cite
Seenil, K., Saniloh, K., Meechana, J., Usaviroj, S., Makmoon, S., Doungpota, W., & Playkaew, A. (2020). Advanced wound care. Vajira Nursing Journal, 22(1), 104–115. retrieved from
Review article


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