Surface Treatments of Dental Zirconia: A Review
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Regarding the outstanding mechanical and biological properties, zirconia has been generally used in dentistry mainly in prosthodontic and implant dentistry. The problem with this material is that zirconia is a non-silica-based material that cannot be treated with acid etching leading to a loss of ability to bond with resin cement. Surface treatments used most often to improve adhesion are mechanical techniques (airborne particle abrasion, diamond stone, laser, elective discharge machine, selective infiltration etching technique, acid etching), chemical techniques (silicatization, functional monomer), and the combination of mechanical and chemical techniques. The most popular and effective technique is the combined technique which is using small airborne particle abrasion with a pressure of 0.1-0.25 megapascal to roughen the surface and to achieve the micromechanical retention followed by primer or resin cement containing functional monomer.
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