Skills for Happy and Successful Working in Nursing Profession

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Malee Kumkong
Athipa Amornpiyaphakorn
Punnaphat Chramnanpho


Nursing profession work with a multidisciplinary team in response to health challenges under the complicated working system, continuous change in the situation, advancement of health service system in terms of knowledge and technology, pressure from time and patients’ conditions, occupational health risk and other environmental factors. These result in exhaustion, which leads to stress, boredom, and unhappy working. Professional nurses do not only have professional competencies but also other science and art skills necessary for working, which helps change in the organization, value work, and live a life. These skills include 1) human relations and cohabitation, 2) leadership, 3) emotional intelligence, 4) imagination, 5) creative thinking, 6) life skills, 7) teamwork and cooperation, 8) rational and creative argument, 9) lifelong learning, and 10) sense of humor. To achieve these, nurses could work smoothly and potentially, self-heal, and pass happiness on to others, leading to increased success and motivation for sustainable retention of the nursing workforce.

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How to Cite
Kumkong M, Amornpiyaphakorn A, Chramnanpho P. Skills for Happy and Successful Working in Nursing Profession. Health Sci J Thai [internet]. 2022 Feb. 14 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];4(1):75-8. available from:
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