The Effects of Self Efficacy Promoting “3D” Program on Phosphate Control Behaviors and Serum Phosphate Level in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis: A Feasibility Study

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Umagorn Khaosumain
Patcharee Thongmee
Rapeeparn Phewruangnon
Praopilad Srisuwarn
Juthamas Tiansaard


Hyperphosphatemia causes a high mortality rate in patients receiving hemodialysis (HD); as a result, the proper behaviors for controlling serum phosphate are crucial. This study is quasi-experimental research, one-group time-series design, aimed to evaluate the effects of Self-efficacy Promoting 3D Program on phosphate control behaviors, and serum phosphate level in patients with end-stage renal disease receiving hemodialysis. The 22 participants were purposely recruited. The research instruments were Self-efficacy Promoting 3D Program, which lasted for 16 weeks. The research instruments for collecting data were questionnaires: knowledge of phosphate control, perceived self-efficacy, phosphate control behaviors, and serum phosphate level. Descriptive statistics, Friedman test, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to analyze the data. The results revealed participants’ scores of knowledge of phosphate control, perceived self-efficacy in controlling serum phosphate, phosphate control behaviors were significant statistically increased (p <0.050) after 16 weeks of the program. Moreover, serum phosphate was decreased significantly (p <0.050) at the end of the program. It indicated that the program enhanced positive clinical outcomes. Nurses should apply this program to patients with hyperphosphatemia in the hemodialysis unit. The results revealed participants’ scores of knowledge of phosphate control, perceived self-efficacy in controlling serum phosphate, phosphate control behaviors were increased statistically significant (p < .05) after 16 weeks of the program. Moreover, serum phosphate was decreased significantly (p < .05) at the end of the program. This program demonstrated the positive effects of health outcomes and serum phosphate. Consequently, hemodialysis nurses should apply this program to the hemodialysis unit for ESRD patients with hyperphosphatemia.

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How to Cite
Khaosumain U, Thongmee P, Phewruangnon R, Srisuwarn P, Tiansaard J. The Effects of Self Efficacy Promoting “3D” Program on Phosphate Control Behaviors and Serum Phosphate Level in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis: A Feasibility Study. Health Sci J Thai [internet]. 2022 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];4(2):1-12. available from:
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